

Applications are services (e.g. VPN or web application) that you want to protect with LoginTC. They allow you to reuse the same LoginTC tokens for a particular LoginTC Domain across multiple services with their own policies.

Upgrade your connectors

See the Applications Connector Upgrade Guide page for more information about how to upgrade your connectors to use Applications.


To add an Application

  1. Log in to LoginTC Admin Panel
  2. Click ApplicationsApplications
  3. Click + Create ApplicationApplication
  4. Select which type of application by entering keywords (e.g. Citrix or WatchGuard)Application Details
  5. Click the Application


You may be prompted to select a Domain to associate with the Application if you have more than one domain:Application


Retrieve Application ID

To retrieve the Application ID:

  1. Log in to LoginTC Admin Panel
  2. Click ApplicationsApplication
  3. Click desired ApplicationApplication
  4. Copy the Application ID from the Details section

Retrieve Application API Key

To retrieve the Application API Key:

  1. Log in to LoginTC Admin Panel
  2. Click ApplicationsApplication
  3. Click desired ApplicationApplication
  4. Copy the Application API Key from the Details section

Edit Name or Type

To modify the Application Name or Type:

  1. Log in to LoginTC Admin Panel
  2. Click ApplicationsApplication
  3. Click desired ApplicationApplication
  4. Click Edit next to Name or Type in Details section
  5. Enter new Name or change Type from drop-down:Application
  6. Click Save to save the changes

Edit Domain

To change an Applications’s Domain:

  1. Log in to LoginTC Admin Panel
  2. Click ApplicationsApplication
  3. Click desired ApplicationApplication
  4. Click Edit next to Domain in Details sectionApplication
  5. Click desired Domain

Now users must have tokens for the new Domain in order to access the Application. Changing the Domain of an Application does not revoke and user tokens.

Add Application Attribute

An Application Attribute is shown to the user with the LoginTC application when approving a request:

To add an Application Attribute:

  1. Log in to LoginTC Admin Panel
  2. Click ApplicationsApplication
  3. Click desired ApplicationApplication
  4. In the Attribues section click Create Application AttributeApplication
  5. Select Type of Attribute and complete the formApplication6 Click CreateApplication

Policies allow administrators to dictate how and when users authenticate for a particular application.

There are three types of policies:

Organization Policy

The Organization Policy applies to the entire LoginTC Organization and is the default Policy when Application Policy and Group Policies are not present.

Application Policy

The Application Policy applies to all users authenticating to an Application. It overrides the Organization Policy.

Group Policy

The Group Policy applies to specific group of users authentication to an Application. It overrides both Organization Policy and Application Policy. Group Policies are in priority order. If a user is part of multiple groups, then the first Group Policy found will be the one applied.

For more information on Policies see the Policies Guide.


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