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LoginTC Differentiators From Other Two Factor Authentication Solutions

January 11, 2013Hernan Matute

We always get questions from potential customers and prospects regarding LoginTC’s differences from other two-factor solutions in the marketplace.

With the launch of LoginTC Blog we plan to post answers and commentary related to LoginTC, which will facilitate a business or technical conversation on our two-factor authentication solution.

The main differences between LoginTC and other two-factor solutions in the marketplace are:

  1. LoginTC is a wireless two-factor credential that leverages mobile platforms’ networks to notify users. This is a very important distinction between a number of solutions out there that use SMS or IVR (Interactive Voice Response) systems to deliver OTPs (one time passwords) or notifications to users. This distinction allows LoginTC users to be notified worldwide via the Apple, BlackBerry and Android notification systems without incurring SMS or long distance fees. This notification is also secure, because LoginTC Cloud uses digital certificates to establish communication with these mobile networks.
  2. LoginTC is a Cloud service. This is a very powerful differentiator for two reasons: i) Organizations that deploy LoginTC services don’t need to invest capital in hardware appliances; and ii) Demand for usage and volumes can be met by leveraging the scalability and elasticity of cloud computing. We have a LoginTC Virtual Appliance that the client organization can deploy on-premise in a Private or Hybrid Cloud, your choice. The LoginTC Virtual Appliance can be licensed and installed in existing virtualization host systems such as VMware or VirtualBox technologies.
  3. LoginTC is the first two-factor solution that scales. Whether the client wants to enable two-factor for hundreds of employees or tens of thousands of customers, LoginTC supports the scalability and performance required. There is no other two-factor solution today that can operate locally, nationally or globally for your access control needs.
  4. LoginTC doesn’t need users’ Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to work. Once again, this is a very powerful differentiator from our competitors because LoginTC doesn’t need a phone number, date of birth, or passwords to enable a LoginTC credential. This is how LoginTC works:
    1. LoginTC administrator can create a LoginTC user with a LoginTC “username” e.g. “joe.smith”, a debit card number: “123555999”, etc.
    2. The administrator then assigns that username to a specific “domain” e.g.
    3. The next step is to issue a LoginTC “Activation Code” for that “username” in that “domain”
    4. The administrator then delivers the LoginTC “Activation Code” to the end-user via e-mail, over the phone, face-to-face, etc.
    5. To create his/her LoginTC credential for that “domain”, the end-user only needs to enter the “Activation Code” in the LoginTC app and create his/her PIN/passcode. In LoginTC Cloud, the “Activation Code” is matched against the “username” and the client’s “domain”. LoginTC Cloud only needs to know the mobile device ID (the FIRST FACTOR) and username to notify the user of a two-factor transaction.
    6. When the user is notified of a two-factor transaction, s/he enters his/her PIN/passcode (SECOND FACTOR) to unlock the credential.
  5. LoginTC supports Smartphones, Tablets AND Desktops (via Google Chrome). The LoginTC app can be notified of an authentication transaction via the cellular data networks, a WiFi connection, the BlackBerry Internet Service, or Google Cloud Messaging. This capability allows LoginTC app to be installed not only on smartphones but also on tablets (such as iPad, iPad Mini or Android tablets that can connect to a cellular data network or a WiFi network) as well as on desktops. The LoginTC app also works on Apple’s iPod Touch.
  6. Multi-layer security support. The latest LoginTC app release has enhanced capabilities to deliver security features not found in any two-factor competitor solution:
    • A client organization can enable the delivery of a “pictogram” to the LoginTC app during a LoginTC notification transaction. This “pictogram” can be the organization’s logo, or a “picture” chosen by the end-user. This is great for anti-phishing.
    • The LoginTC Administrator can enable the delivery of other session attributes real-time to the LoginTC notification. For example, the user may be informed to “approve” a travel request, or a “notice of use” presented by the client organization.
  7. LoginTC is the most cost-effective two-factor credential in the marketplace. With enterprise pricing and volume discounts, LoginTC is priced competitively based on an annual subscription fee, with no hidden costs on seeds, maintenance or adminsitration of hard or soft tokens.

Hopefully these 7 points help fuel the corporate conversation surrounding two-factor authentication and make your decision to deploy LoginTC a lot easier. If you have any questions / feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

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