Admin Logs


Admin Logs display all of the actions an administrator has taken. Administrators can quickly search through the logs by date range, keyword and action type. Actions which are a result of an API call are also logged here. Only Super Administrators can view admin logs.

Professional, Business or Enterprise subscription required

See the Pricing page for more information about subscription options.


Click on the  Admin Logs tab to view the actions of the organizations administrators.

Property Explanation
From Date to begin query
To Date to end query
Keyword The keyword can be an administrator email, user email, user name or domain name
Actions A multi-select of which actions to query

Click View to execute a query.


Clicking Export will export the current view of Admin Logs as a csv file. The maximum number of lines in an export is 10,000. Sample csv:

2016-06-09T13:59:24Z,ISSUE_TOKEN,,,john.doe,Office VPN
2016-06-09T13:59:19Z,ADD_USER_TO_DOMAIN,,,john.doe,Office VPN
2016-06-09T13:59:00Z,CREATE_DOMAIN,,,,Office VPN
Action Types

The following are the logged administrator and API actions.

Action Explanation
LOG_IN Administrator logged into the Admin Panel
LOG_OUT Administrator logged out of the Admin Panel
RECOVERY_KEY_DISPLAYED Administrator has been displayed their Recovery Key
RECOVERY_KEY_DOWNLOADED Administrator has downloaded their Recovery Key
RECOVERY_KEY_SAVED_CONFIRMED Administrator has confirmed saving their Recovery Key
ADD_ADMINISTRATOR Administrator invited to an organization
EDIT_ADMINISTRATOR Administrator edited
REMOVE_ADMINISTRATOR Administrator removed from an organization
ACCEPT_INVITATION Administrator has accepted an invitation
CANCEL_INVITATION Outstanding administrator invitation cancelled
RESEND_INVITATION Outstanding administrator invitation re-sent
SEND_ADMIN_TOKEN_RESET_EMAIL Administrator Admin Panel token reset email sent
CREATE_DOMAIN Domain has been created
EDIT_DOMAIN Domain has been edited
DELETE_DOMAIN Domain has been deleted
ADD_DOMAIN_ATTRIBUTE Add a domain attribute for a domain
REMOVE_DOMAIN_ATTRIBUTE Delete a domain attribute for a domain
CREATE_ORGANIZATION Organization created
EDIT_ORGANIZATION Edit the organization name
CREATE_USER User created
EDIT_USER User edited
DELETE_USER User deleted
ADD_USER_TO_DOMAIN User added to a domain
REMOVE_USER_FROM_DOMAIN User removed from a domain
RESET_USER_RETRY_LIMIT Reset the user retries limit for a domain
ISSUE_TOKEN Token issued
REVOKE_TOKEN Token revoked
CREATE_BYPASS_CODE Bypass code created
DELETE_BYPASS_CODE Bypass code delete
EDIT_SUBSCRIPTION Subscription edited
EDIT_BILLING Billing information edited
CREATE_HARDWARE_TOKEN Hardware token created
DELETE_HARDWARE_TOKEN Hardware token deleted
EDIT_HARDWARE_TOKEN Hardware token edited
ASSOCIATE_HARDWARE_TOKEN Hardware token associated with a user
DISASSOCIATE_HARDWARE_TOKEN Hardware token disassociated with a user
TEST_HARDWARE_TOKEN Test a hardware token
SET_ENROLLMENT_EMAIL Set and / or edit the custom enrollment email