Enrollment Email


Enrollment email allows administrators to customize how users are onboarded to the LoginTC platform.

Email Methods

Enrollment emails onboard users and their authentication methods to access LoginTC protected services. There are two types of email methods:

Enrollment instructions using an enrollment link in the email. Users receive an email with a link which brings them to an enrollment portal. Sample default email:

Enrollment Link Default

The enrollment portal walks the user through the enrollment of various authentication methods that have been enabled. The first screen explains the process to the user:

Enrollment Portal Start

When the user clicks Start Enrollment they are presented with various methods of authentication that have been enabled to be enrolled:

Enrollment Portal Authentication Methods

Once the user has enrolled one or more authentication methods the link will no longer work. A LoginTC administrator can always issue a new email.

Activation Code

Enrollment instructions using an activation code in the email. Users receive an email with 2 simple steps and a 10 digit. Sample default email:

Activation Code Default

Managing Enrollment Email

Email Method

To modify the email method:

  1. Log in to LoginTC Admin
  2. Click Settings
  3. Scroll down to Enrollment Email and click EditSettings
  4. Select an Email MethodUpdate
  5. Click Update

Email Customization

Business or Enterprise subscription required
Email customization require Business or Enterprise subscription. See the Pricing page for more information about subscription options.

Administrators may customize the Subject, Reply-To and Body of the email. To customize the email:

  1. Log in to LoginTC Admin
  2. Click Settings
  3. Scroll down to Enrollment Email and click EditSettings
  4. Set Email Customization to EnabledUpdate
  5. Clicking Update

Email Review
All custom emails are reviewed by LoginTC to ensure safety and security of the process and to prevent abuse.

Video Walkthroughs

Activation Code with LoginTC App