LoginTC Managed is a complete on-premises (aka onprem, on-prem) Multi-Factor Authentication solution. It is deployed as a virtual appliance within your organizations network. There are no external dependencies. The solution is ideal for organizations that want to control network flow and their authentication traffic and where user data is residing.
LoginTC Managed is a drop-in replacement for LoginTC Cloud for all the LoginTC connectors. So anywhere LoginTC Cloud would be, LoginTC Managed replaces. The solution does not require any external dependencies.
Windows Logon and RDP
Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services
Before proceeding, please ensure you have the following:
User enrollment password verification, administrator login.
Configured NTP server.
Note: Username and Password logintc-user is used for console and web access. The default password is managed. You will be asked to change the default password on first boot of the appliance.
Import the virtual appliance your computer virtualization software
Ensure that LoginTC Managed has a virtual network card
Start the virtual appliance
You will be presented with a console prompt:
Login using the username logintc-user and default password managed:
Once logged in type setup:
Follow the on-screen prompt to setup a new password for logintc-user:
By default the appliance network is not configured. Once on the console dashboard, type 1 and enter to configure the network:
Follow the on-screen prompts to setup the network. When done, type 1 and enter to confirm the settings:
You will be presented with the network configuration which includes the URL to connect to the appliance from a web browser (example
License Key
Navigate to the URL shown in the console dashboard (example:
Login using the user logintc-user and the password set in the initial setup:
Click No, how can I get a LoginTC Managed license? if you do not have a license, otherwise click Yes, import LoginTC Managed license:
Contact Sales using the Appliance ID to obtain a license:
Once you have the license, go back and click Yes, import LoginTC Managed license, select your license file then click Import:
Upon successful import, details of the license will be presented:
Click Continue to LoginTC Managed and you will be redirected to the dashboard:
Appliance Settings
NTP Server
To configure how the appliance keeps time.
NOTE: NTP Server must be configured
An NTP server must be configured for the appliance operate accurately. For example, most one-time based passcode authentication methods are based on time and will not function as expected without proper time synchronization in place.
Navigate to APPLIANCE > Settings:
Scroll to the NTP Server section click Edit:
For Enabled select Yes and configure the NTP servers (example uses public NTP servers):
Configuration values:
Server 1
The primary NTP server
Server 2 (Optional)
The second NTP server
Click Test then click Update to confirm the NTP Server settings:
You may need to login again due to server time change after the NTP configuration.
Organization Details
The organization name and icon can be used for user enrollment and iframe authentication.
Navigate to SETUP > Settings
Scroll to the Organization section click Edit:
Enter new Name and / or change the icon
Click Update to confirm the changes
SMTP Server
To configure how the appliance will send enrollment emails and/or email one-time passcodes.
Navigate to SETUP > Settings
Scroll to the SMTP Server section click Edit:
For Enabled select Yes and configure SMTP settings:
Configuration details:
Connection Details
Hostname or IP Address
SMTP gateway hostname or IP address
Port number of the SMTP gateway. The default is 25
Can be one of SMTP, SMTP + STARTTLS or SMTPS
Username (Optional)
Username if required for authentication
Password (Optional)
Password if required for authentication
Email Details
From Address (Optional)
The from address in emails
Reply-To Address (Optional)
The reply-to address in emails
Click Test then click Update to confirm the SMTP Server settings:
Enrollment Portal
To configure how user enrollment their tokens by receiving an email with a link to an enrollment portal. The enrollment portal is hosted by the LoginTC Managed appliance.
NOTE: SMTP Server Dependency
The enrollment portal relies on sending emails to end users with a link the to portal. The SMTP Server must be configured to leverage the enrollment portal.
Navigate to SETUP > Settings
Scroll to the Enrollment Portal section click Edit:
For Enabled select Yes and configure Enrollment Portal settings:
Configuration details:
Authentication Methods
Software Tokens (OTP)
Allow users to authenticate with a software token (OTP) using an authenticator app like the LoginTC Authenticator app
Passcode Grids
Allow users to enroll a passcode grid
Enrollment Email
Subject line of email
Body line of email
HTTP Details
The FQDN or IP address of your LoginTC Managed instance that your users will access
The IPv4 port number of your LoginTC Managed instance that your users will access
Enrollment Portal Link Expiration
Expires after
How long an enrollment portal link is valid for
First Factor Authentication Enabled
Whether the user must enter their username and password after clicking the email link before being able to enroll
Click Test then click Update to confirm the Enrollment Portal settings:
Note: First Factor Authentication
The enrollment portal can be configured to have the user enter their first factor authentication credentials (for example against Active Directory or LDAP compatible user directory) prior to enrolling. This adds an additional protection for enrollment links.
SSL Certificate
There are a variety of ways to generate a certificate as it is dependent on the target environment. Here is tool that runs on Windows that generates Certificate Signing Requests (CSR): DigiCert Certificate Utility for Windows.
To configure the server TLS certificate.
Navigate to SETUP > Settings
Scroll to the SSL Certificate section click Edit
Configure the SSL Certificate:
Configuration values:
Public Certificate
A valid PEM format Public Certificate
Private Key
A valid PEM format Private Key
Click Test then click Update to confirm the SSL Certificate settings:
Time Zone
To configure the server time zone. Default is UTC.
Navigate to SETUP > Settings
Scroll to the Time Zone section click Edit
Select a time zone from the dropdown:
Click Update to confirm the time zone setting:
To configure an external directory to manager administrator access.
Navigate to SETUP > Settings
Scroll to the Administrators section click Edit:
For Enabled select Yes and configure Enrollment Portal settings:
Configuration details:
Connection Details
IP Address or Host Name
The IP Address or Host Name of the Active Directory Server
Port (Optional)
The default is 389 for LDAP and 636 for LDAPS (LDAP + SSL).
Can be one of SMTP, SMTP + STARTTLS or SMTPS
Bind Details
Can be one of Bind with credential or Anonymous
Bind DN
DN of an account with read access to the directory. Example: cn:domain,dc=example,dc=com
Bind Password
The password for Bind DN account
Query Details
Base DN
The top-level DN that usernames will be queried from. Example dc=example,dc=com
Username Attribute
The attribute containing user’s username. Examples: sAMAccountName or uid
Filter (Optional)
A query filter applied to the user query. Examples: (|(objectClass=inetorgperson)(objectClass=user)) or memberof=CN=Domain Admins,CN=users,DC=example,DC=com
AD Groups
Super Administrator Role Groups
Users in this group will be granted Super Administrator role.
Click Test then click Update to confirm the Administrators settings:
Note: logintc-user Account
The logintc-user account can still log in when the Administrators setting is enabled.
User Language
To configure the user language. Users will receive emails in this language. Default is English.
Navigate to SETUP > Settings
Scroll to the User Language section click Edit
Select a user language from the dropdown:
Click Update to confirm the user language setting:
Username Normalization
Specify whether usernames like “DOMAIN\john.doe” and “john.doe@example.com” are treated as-is or as simply “john.doe”. Default is No.
Navigate to SETUP > Settings
Scroll to the Username Normalization section click Edit
Select Yes or No:
Click Update to confirm the username normalization setting:
Configure how long to keep Admin and User logs locally and configure sending User and Admin logs to a syslog server.
Navigate to SETUP > Settings
Scroll to the Logs section click Edit
Configure the retention policy and syslog server (optional):
Configuration details:
Retention Policy
Keep Logs For
Set how long to keep User and Admin logs locally
Syslog Server Enabled
Whether a syslog server is configured
Hostname or IP Address of Syslog server
Port of Syslog server. The default is 514
Transport Type
Can be UDP or TCP
Log Facility
How the syslog server should classify the logs
Click Test then click Update to confirm the logs settings:
Do not share Organization API Key
It is important to not share the Organization API Key.
Supported Authentication Methods
LoginTC Managed supports a wide variety of authentication methods. Currently every method supported requires zero external dependencies.
Software TOTP
A one-time passwords generated on an app. For example LoginTC Authenticator, Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator and generally any authenticator app that supports time-based one-time password (TOTP) specified in IETF RFC 6238.
A variety of use cases can be seen here: Security Key
Hardware Token
A one-time password generated on single purpose hardware token device. Using LoginTC Hardware Token and generally any OATH compliant time-based one-time password (TOTP) using 6 or 8 digits and a 30 or 60 seconds time interval.
A variety of use cases can be seen here: Passcode Grid
Bypass Code
User-specific 9 digit code that are created by LoginTC administrators to be used in specific situations, oftentimes an emergency, when all other authentication methods are unavailable.
A variety of use cases can be seen here: Bypass Code
Supported LoginTC Connectors
LoginTC Managed is compatible with:
LoginTC AD FS Connector 1.2.1+
LoginTC Windows Logon and RDP Connector 1.3.1+
LoginTC OWA Connector 1.3.3+
LoginTC RD Web Access Connector 1.4.0+
LoginTC RD Gateway SSO Connector 1.0.0+
LoginTC RADIUS Connector 3.0.6+ (* see caveat below)
LoginTC RADIUS Connector Support Caveat
Since push notifications are not currently supported in LoginTC Managed, scenarios that require Direct authentication mode with a push notification are not supported. The only scenario that can only operate this way is Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) with RADIUS.
The REST API allows for programmatic actions to a wide variety of use cases.
This guide assumed the FQDN of the LoginTC Managed deployment is:
All REST API consumers must use HTTPS. Furthermore, all REST API consumers should check and verify the host’s SSL certificate.
Your 64-character Organization API key is used to authenticate your API requests using the standard Authorization HTTP header:
Authorization: LoginTC key="YOUR API KEY"
The 64-character API key is found under the SETUP > Settings in the API section.