A passcode grid is a table of rows and columns. Each cell contains a 3 letter tuple. LoginTC will challenge a user to enter the value of 3 cells (i.e. B1-A5-D2
). The passcode grid can be printed or saved as a PDF.
Sample passcode grid:
To enable or disable passcode grid for a specific application:
Passcode grid is compatible with:
LoginTC RADIUS Connector
Passcode grid is compatible with the LoginTC RADIUS Connector when the Authentication Mode is set to Challenge Interactive or Iframe; Direct and Challenge are not supported.
Enrollment Email
Passcode grids are issued using a LoginTC Enrollment Link. For more information see: Enrollment Email – Enrollment Link.
To associate a passcode grid with a user:
To disassociate a passcode grid with a user:
Passcode Grid authentication with Authentication Mode Iframe for Citrix NetScaler:
The user selects Passcode Grid and is shown a passcode grid to enter the values of 3 cells. Entering the correct values corresponding the their own passcode grid will result in a successful authentication.
This works for the following connectors:
Passcode Grid works with Authentication Mode Challenge Interactive on the LoginTC RADIUS Server:
When prompted, the user enters grid and is then shown a passcode grid challenge to enter the values of 3 cells. Entering the correct values (no spaces) corresponding to their own passcode grid will result in a successful authentication.
Passcode Grid works in Offline mode with LoginTC Windows Logon and RDP Connector:
The user selects Passcode Grid and is shown a passcode grid to enter the values of 3 cells. Entering the correct values corresponding the their own passcode grid will result in a successful authentication. For more information: Offline Logon.
For more examples see: Passcode Grid